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Academic Publications 



V. Zaché, G. Luchini, G. Battisti

A derivation of the Stokes Theorem, Rev. Bras. Ensino Fís. 45 • 2023




V. Zaché, G. Luchini.

A zero curvature representation of electromagnetism and the conservation of electric charge., Braz.J.Phys. 52 (2022) 4, 129




Betti Hartmann, Gabriel Luchini, Clisthenis P. Constantinidis, Carlos F.S. Pereira .

Real scalar field kinks and antikinks and their perturbation spectra in a closed universe. Phys. Rev. D 101, 07600


Some novel considerations about the collective coordinates approximation for the scattering of Ï•4 kinks

Carlos F.S. Pereira, Gabriel Luchini, Tadeu Tassis, Clisthenis P. Constantinidis.  (2021) J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54 075701




G. Luchini, T. Tassis.

BPS states for scalar field theories based on g2 and su(4) algebras, J. High Energ. Phys. 2020, 11 (2020)


C. P. Constantinidis, L. A. Ferreira, G. Luchini.

A mild source for th Wu-Yang magnetic monopole J.Phys. A 52 (2019) no.15, 155202


It is worth mentioning the results of this paper.


1) It's shown that the Wu-Yang monopole indeed needs an external source in order to be a solution of the Yang-Mills equations. On the other hand, this source does not violate the Bianchi identity in the sense of distribution theory.


2) The analysis of the differential Yang-Mills equations is not enough to solve this problem. It is necessary to use the integral Yang-Mills equations [introduced in Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology (Online), v. 86, p. 085039, 2012] which involve a second type of magnetic field. This field becomes abelian when calculated over the Wu-Yang monopole configuration.


3) As observed by Wu and Yang in their original paper on this subject, the Noether magnetic charge which comes from the Yang-Mills equation vanishes on this magnetic monopole solution. We have shown that this monopole has, in fact, a non-trivial magnetic charge which is dynamically conserved. This charge comes directly from the integral Yang-Mills equation and its value for the 't Hooft-Polyakov monopole is the same: the magnetic fields involved have the same behavior at large distances.




C. P. ConstantinidisL. A. FerreiraG. Luchini.

A direct test of the integral Yang-Mills equations through SU(2) monopoles Phys.Rev. D96 (2017) no.10, 105024  




Yves Brihaye, Adolfo Cisterna, Betti Hartmann, Gabriel Luchini. From topological to non-topological solitons: kinks, domain walls and Q-balls in a scalar field model with non-trivial vacuum manifold, arXiv:1511.02757 [hep-th], Phys. Rev. D 92, 124061


C. P. Constantinidis, G. Luchini. L. A. Ferreira. A remark on the asymptotic form of BPS multi-dyon solutions and their conserved charges. e-Print: arXiv:1508.03049 [hep-th], Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(12), 1-17




H. Baron, G. Luchini, Wojtek J. Zakrzewski. Collective coordinates approximation to the scattering of solitons in the (1+1) dimensional NLS model. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, v. 47, n. 26, 2014




L. A. Ferreira, G. Luchini, Wojtek J. Zakrzewski. The concept of quasi-integrability. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Nonlinear and Modern Mathematical Physics, March 9-11, 2013, Tampa, Florida, USA 




Ferreira, L.A. ; G. Luchini . Hidden symmetries and gauge theories. Proceedings of the 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics, and Relativistic Field Theories (MG13), 1-7 Jul 2012, Stockholm, Sweeden



Ferreira, L.A. ; G. Luchini . Gauge and integrable theories in loop spaces. Nuclear Physics. B (Print), v. 858, p. 336-365,



Ferreira, L. A. ; Luchini, G. ; Zakrzewski, Wojtek J. . The concept of quasi-integrability for modified non-linear Schrödinger models. The Journal of High Energy Physics (Online), v. 2012, p. 103, 2012.



Ferreira, A, L. ; Luchini, G. . Integral form of Yang-Mills equations and its gauge invariant conserved charges. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology (Online), v. 86, p. 085039, 2012.




G. Luchini; A. Rios; C.P.Constantinidis; O. Piguet. Quantization of Chern-Simons theory à la loop quantum gravity. Published in the proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Fundamental Interactions, August 1-7, 2010, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil



Constantinidis, C.P ; G. Luchini ; O. Piguet . The Hilbert space of the Chern Simons theory on a cylinder: a loop quantum gravity approach. Classical and Quantum Gravity (Print), v. 27, p. 065009, 2010.

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